Executive function is a popular buzzword, but it can be hard to get a straight answer on what exactly it is. Put simply, executive function skills are the ones used to plan, initiate, stay focused on, and complete a task. Students with strong executive function skills spend their class time focused on processing new information by taking detailed notes, asking questions when they need clarity, and participating in class discussions. At home, they review their notes and use them to complete homework assignments and create study tools. They plan out their weeks, breaking down long-term tasks into smaller, achievable goals, balancing each evening with the completion of steps of long-term projects and urgent assignments. They give themselves enough time to study in advance and use multiple tools to assess their knowledge.
Does this sound like your child?
They don’t have a planner
They have a planner but don’t use it effectively
Their backpack is messy and disorganized
Their desk is messy and disorganized
They lose important papers
They forget to hand in their assignments on time
They miss deadlines
They don’t study for tests
They study for tests, but not efficiently (aka passively re-reading their notes or their textbook)
They procrastinate on complex assignments
They are distracted by social media (TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, Reddit, YouTube)
They are distracted by video or computer games
They can’t focus for more than 5-10 minutes at a time
Does this sound like you?
Tired of arguing with your child about when they’re going to do their homework or study
Concerned with the impact that their grades will have on their future (high school, college, career)
Frustrated by yet another parent-teacher conference where you’re told they don’t hand in their assignments on time
Overwhelmed with how, who with, and when to address this situation
At Andersen Education, we use science-based methods to improve our students’ executive function skills. It is our goal that by understanding how the brain works and learning research-backed strategies, students will become more organized and efficient, increasing their confidence and grades.
How does it work?
Since improving executive function skills takes time and requires more outside session time than regular tutoring, we offer this service as a package.
Typical Coaching Session:
How is the student doing both personally and academically?
Celebrate successes
Answer questions about strategies
Discuss challenges
Choose a habit to focus on for the week
Update Due Dates
Student will have a comprehensive planning tool (Google spreadsheet) that we will match and update with their school management system to keep them on track.
What has been completed since we last saw each other? What hasn't and why?
Plan out the week, including days and times that homework will be completed via Google calendar or iCal
Break down larger projects (ie: research paper) into smaller, achievable tasks
Prioritize what to work on together (strategizing how to complete them, not on the actual content)
Track Habits
Student will rate themselves on a scale of 1-10, assessing how successful they were at applying the habit they chose from the week before
Building the Toolbox
Study Strategies (research-based!)
Study Environment Audit (Are they studying in bed or on the couch? How messy is their desk? How can we minimize distractions?)
Backpack Audit (Is there a mess of crumpled papers that need to be put away in a binder or notebook? Are there important items that need to get to school tomorrow? Let's pack it!)
Binder/Notebook Audit (Is this a mess of papers as well? Do papers need to be hole-punched? How can we streamline it so it's most effective?)
Notes Audit (Are notes organized? How can we make these clearer?)
Schedule Audit (What is their after-school routine? Are they falling into a Tiktok rabbit hole? How can we make the best use of their time so that they're going to sleep at a reasonable time after completing their daily work?)
Wrap Up
Important takeaways
How can I support them this week? When will I send accountability nudges or encouragement?
Package Includes:
One 60-minute session once per week (see above for more details)
Weekly written summaries, goal-setting, and trackable habits
Active Planning Tool (Google spreadsheet)
Outside Support including:
Accountability: reminders, encouragement, and check-ins via text
Unlimited communication with teachers, parents, and therapists
Check-ins with the school's online management system (Google Classroom, Canvas, etc)
Prepaid Monthly Investment: $985
Why won’t my child just do their homework and study like I did when I was in high school/college?
It is important to note that the area of the brain that controls executive function, the prefrontal cortex, is not fully developed until a person’s mid-to-late-twenties! With social media, smartphones, and the internet at our fingertips, we are more easily distracted than ever. Research has shown that too much screen time can lead to ADD-like symptoms. Remy can trace her brain fog and overwhelm back to 2009 when she received her first iPhone. She regularly employs the strategies that she teaches her students to complete the tasks necessary to run a business and continue her education.
When is the best time to start executive function coaching?
Most parents reach out to us when their child’s grades are in jeopardy - they’ve failed a couple of tests or their report card says they’re failing in a class. In those cases, we know that we need to work urgently, consistently, and efficiently to set and track intentional habits. But this program isn’t just for acute cases - this is preventative, foundational work, too. Many teachers do not have the time to cover executive function skills in class, or if they do, they can’t work on developing these skills as comprehensively as our tutors can. We encourage students of all ages, especially grades 6-10, to work with us to ensure that their executive function skills are strong enough for the transition into high school and college.
How long does executive function coaching last?
We ask for a 2-month minimum when trying executive function coaching. Afterward, it is up to you whether you’d like to us to continue. Research shows that habits take 90 days to form, so ideally give us 3 months to see the most impact.
What effects can I expect to see?
If your child is committed to doing the work with us, they will learn and use skills that will lead to an increase in test scores, grades, and sense of well-being. Many students feel guilty and “bad” for not being able to complete the tasks we adults can do with ease. We aim to remove this stigma and foster growth and positivity.
Are you certified?
Yes, I have a certification from Gretchen Wegner's Anti-Boring Learning Lab. I chose Gretchen's program because it was comprehensive, included tools and resources I can share with students, and explained the concepts in a way I can explain to my students. We also share the same mission to be not boring :)